I've had the most fun this summer watching the tufted titmouse in the trees and at the feeder. [By the way, what is the plural of titmouse? Is it titmice?] It's a very active bird, and fast -- the slightest movement from me and it's gone! While I've succeeded in getting some pictures like this ...

. . . more often than not it's like this!

But their antics with our car has been hilarious. They must love the silver color and the reflections, and the passenger mirror makes a perfect perch. One day, I heard the loudest bird and it seemed like it was right by the door -- it was the tufted titmouse, calling over and over from our car's side mirror.

After sitting on the top of the mirror for awhile, the titmouse flew to the lower edge of the passenger window -- of course it's always on the window away from me, so I have to shoot through the windshield.

Then from the window, he flew right at the mirror -- flapped and pecked at his reflection for a moment -- and then landed on top of the mirror again. From there he hollered his
"peter peter peter," and started the routine over again. He'll go on like this for ten minutes sometimes, unless he catches me watching him.
This has been going on for the last couple weeks. I've also seen two of them do the same routine, taking turns. And a few times, one has landed on the windshield wipers, using the windshield as a mirror. I'm just glad the tufted titmouse appreciates the "playground" we are providing!