We had just left the house the other day when we saw a quail-like bird crossing the road in front of us. And when we drove back through about an hour later, we saw the same bird slowly crossing the road the other way. What gives?
So as soon as we got home, I walked back up with my camera. And sure enough, the bird was still there, just standing under a tree in front of the corner house. It let me get within a couple feet of it and even started walking toward me as I was taking pictures. It seemed very content to be there, but I backed off, not wanting to startle it.

This was another first for me -- a ruffed grouse. And as I was reading several descriptions on web sites, I found a few that said that sometimes they will seem "tame" if they have not been around agressive predators a great deal.
The spring days are warming up, and so are the feeders. The pine siskins are fighting for the available spots on the feeders, so I spread some seed on the deck railing . . . and pretty soon that was busy, too.