It's been family time -- and noisy -- lately in the trees, especially when the kids decide they're lazy and hungry.
Today it was father goldfinch's turn to keep up with the youngster. Dad would spend some time at the feeder while the youngster waited impatiently in the tree. And when dad came up to the branch, the begging and wing fluttering started. I watched this cycle several times, until the youngster finally joined dad down at the feeder. The juvie grabbed some seeds on his own, but still tried begging -- and was ignored, until he returned to the branch again.
Two years ago I retired after 38 years as a high school librarian. In the spring issue of our library newsletter, the other librarian and our assistant surprised me with an article titled "What Will She Do?" Since my plans for retirement were somewhat vague, they came up with some ideas for me -- hike the Appalachian Mountain Trail...get into the Guinness Book of World Records...learn to an for president...hunt for Sasquatch...visit a library in all of the 50 states...join the cast of Spamalot...become tri-lingual -- in all, a list of 27 things that I should have started on 38 years ago! But, there is one that I can do now. So, I accept your challenge to start a blog!!
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