The other day, when I glanced out the window, I saw a goldfinch on the ground -- just one, unlike the flocks of sometimes thirty or forty that I've been seeing lately. But when I took a closer look, I realized it wasn't a goldfinch, although there was a greenish-yellow tint to it. It was actually a little larger and the other markings weren't right.
I went outside to get some photos of it and was surprised that it actually let me get about four feet from it without flying away.

After I pulled out the trusty bird ID guide, I determined it was a female White-Winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera). I have seen it a few other days, too, always alone and feeding from the ground. This is one to add to my list.
I just checked my life-list, and I don't have a White-winged Crossbill! Was it under your bird-feeders? or just in your yard? Have you seen it again since?
She was on the ground under the feeder and seemed to be picking up the fallen sunflower meats that I use in the feeder. But from the descriptions, they're not usually ground feeders. Saw her about 3 days in a row, but not since then. The cross bill was neat to see, but not clear in the photo.
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