Monday, February 23, 2009

It's been a long time . . .

. . . since I've put anything up (2-1/2 months long)! So to start catching up, I'll post a couple photographs from this last week.

The other day, when I glanced out the window, I saw a goldfinch on the ground -- just one, unlike the flocks of sometimes thirty or forty that I've been seeing lately. But when I took a closer look, I realized it wasn't a goldfinch, although there was a greenish-yellow tint to it. It was actually a little larger and the other markings weren't right.

I went outside to get some photos of it and was surprised that it actually let me get about four feet from it without flying away.

After I pulled out the trusty bird ID guide, I determined it was a female White-Winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera). I have seen it a few other days, too, always alone and feeding from the ground. This is one to add to my list.


Mrs. Pam Harland said...

I just checked my life-list, and I don't have a White-winged Crossbill! Was it under your bird-feeders? or just in your yard? Have you seen it again since?

Mardean said...

She was on the ground under the feeder and seemed to be picking up the fallen sunflower meats that I use in the feeder. But from the descriptions, they're not usually ground feeders. Saw her about 3 days in a row, but not since then. The cross bill was neat to see, but not clear in the photo.